The partnership between «SPORTCONCEPT» and Russian Hockey Federation
  • #Partnership 

The ‘SPORTCONCEPT’ is actively cooperating with Russian Hockey Federation. For example, during the preparations for Karjala Cup-2015 we provided technical support for the national team.

Well established business relationship with CCM, the leading manufacturer of hockey uniform, helped ‘SPORTCONCEPT’ to provide full equipping for Russian players in a short time, ensuring the maximum level of service.

CCM is a brand with a worldwide reputation that offers a full range of hockey equipment for the field players and goalkeepers. The positive experience of working together will support our team at the upcoming World Championship in 2016.

Besides providing the equipment for the hockey teams, ‘SPORTCONCEPT’ is successfully working with attributes and souvenirs for the fans. The company put a lot of time and effort into the development of a new visual image of the ‘Krasnaya Mashina’ team.

This area is developing rapidly and very successfully. During the matches there will be held point of sale, where every hockey fan will be able to buy souvenirs and support the players.

From the 17th to the 20th of December 2015 on the ice of ‘VTB Ice Palace’ arena in Moscow the ‘Channel One Cup’ will take place, where the national team will represent our country wearing the outfit provided by CCM.